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With supermarket queues busy and with people going back to work , why not use our freezer filling service that will keep your whole family fed and full of organic vegetarian foods?

Every two weeks, we offer you a new menu of 4 dishes, each dish being able to feed 4/8 people. So, in total, you will receive 16/32 servings of food!

This Week (11.05.20) We Present:

- Mushroom Curry (Vegan)

- Lasagna (Vegetarian)

- Black Bean Enchiladas (Vegetarian or made with Vegan Cheese)

- Aubergine and Courgette Parmigiana (Vegetarian)

For a Total of CHF 240/480.-

We have also added the option for Pudding!

Choose 1 or more healthy sweet treats to comfort you and your family during this time!

- Sweet Potato Brownies (10 servings) : CHF 25.-

- Carrot Cake (12 servings) : CHF 45.-

- Banana bread (10 servings) : CHF 25.-

- Chocolate and peanut butter fudge (can be frozen-12 servings) CHF 25.-

Our deadline for this week is Tuesday at 2:00pm with delivery for Thursday Morning.

To Reserve your Food, please email info@ollysorganics or telephone 0767787180 (to speak in English) 0799344534 (to speak in French)

Information for Olly's Tuesdays

Reserve: Before 12:00pm MONDAY

Time of Collection: Tuesday 6:30pm - 7:30pm

Address of Collection: 98, Chemin de Saint-Maurice, Collonge-Bellerive, 1245. Follow the fairy lights.

Payment: Cash or Online

Subscribe to our Newsletter and receive next weeks menu.

Olly's Organics © 2019 I All Rights Reserved

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